Lithuanian English

Name days

Today name days:
  • Gelgaudas
  • Narcizas
  • Tautmilė
  • Tolvydė
  • Violeta

Tomorrow name days:
  • Darata
  • Edmundas
  • Skirgaila
  • Skirvytė
Nameday search Nameday search
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If you have any questions related to CARDS.LT service, its functionality or technical questions, please contact us at  and we will try to help You in any situation.

Frequently asked questions:

1. How long sent cards are being saved in CARDS.LT?
2. What do I get if I login with my OpenID?
3. When logging with my OpenID I get a message "Invalid OpenID". Why?
4. I have sent You my card and I cannot find it anywhere.
5. What do marks near the card mean?

1. How long sent cards are being saved in CARDS.LT?
Sent cards are saved in CARDS.LT system for at least one year.

2. What do I get if I login with my OpenID?
When You login to CARDS.LT with Your OpenID, You can see all sent and received cards via CARDS.LT system to the specific e-mail address. You will have to confirm Your e-mail, so nobody else can see Your sent and received cards.
Moreover, You can mark the cards You like as the favorite cards and see them in one place.
When You compose a greeting cards You will not need to fill Your name and e-mail address (if You provide them in the website of Your OpenID provider) - they will be filled automatically.

3. When logging with my OpenID I get a message "Invalid OpenID". Why?
Such message appears when the entered OpenID address is invalid. OpenID is neither your name, nor e-mail address. If you registered OpenID using the link from this page, your OpenID address is: <your username>

If you still cannot login, contact us via e-mail and we will try to help you.

4. I have sent you my card and I cannot find it anywhere.
The cards You send to us are not instantly integrated in CARDS.LT system - we have to review them and upload them manually, so it could take some time. Also we do not integrate all the cards users send to us.

5. What do marks near the card mean?
Card with lithuanian text - Card with Lithuanian text in it
Flash card - Animated FLASH card.
Mark card (seen when logged in with OpenID) - the card will be added to favorite cards list when clicked on this mark.
Unmark card (seen in favorite cards list when logged in with OpenID) - the card will be removed from favorite cards list when clicked on this mark.

